By: Joseph

Updated on 07/07/2023

How to Rate and Review pros on Fundi Link

Ratings and reviews are an amazing way for fundis to show that they have worked with other customers and they did a good job or a bad one. On Fundi Link, client accounts have the ability to provide ratings and write reviews for Fundi accounts which will be public for other clients to see and read. The total reviews are then automatically calculated to provide a mean grade (in stars) that will be displayed on the public profile of the fundis.

Here is the simple procedure for clients

(If you are a fundi and want a client that you have worked with before to rate your profile, even if it is outside fundi link, you can send them this guide.)


The client must be logged in to their client account on

1- Click the fundi profile that you want to rate and review. (If you are a fundi, you can send your link to the client so that it is easy for them to find your profile and continue).

2- At the top section of the profile, click the “call” icon then select “Rate & review”.

3- Select how many stars you want to give to the fundi and write something brief at the space provided, then submit.

4- Once you complete, you will be redirected to your “Ratings & Reviews” page where you can edit all the reviews for all fundis later.

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